Frank Etienne

Early in his career, Frank Etienne worked at the editorial desks of France 2, i-Télé and Radio France, helping journalists and presenters in drafting their midday and evening news broadcasts, news roundups and special programmes.
With news flows increasing in intensity day by day, the challenge lay in analysing, processing and delivering reliable, high quality information in a singular format and with higher speed and reach.
This time spent behind the scenes of the media machine then led Frank Etienne to work for Advertisers and their Communications consultancies.
Addressing a wide range of sectors from luxury goods to industry, but also in banking, services, mobility, health, retail, ITC, energy and IoT, he developed a cross-disciplinary view of business matters: corporate topics, MarCom policies, customer/employee experience and event strategy. With an Executive Coaching course under his belt and his well-developed knowledge of the business world, he has become an acknowledged go-to-person for senior management whose issues in terms of reputation, organisation, human resources and management he is fully conversant.
Supported by his 25-year track record in television, advertising, marketing, communications and coaching, Frank Etienne thus draws on two complementary areas of expertise which combine to form his quite singular profile: Adviser and Coach, an expert in content strategy and senior executive support.
25 years encapsulated in one word: CleverCo | Content Consulting and Executive Coaching
Content Consulting
Because beyond the style, writing and expression require a wider view,
Frank Etienne helps Consultancies and Brands in their writing and content needs, whatever the subject, context and deliverable.
CleverCo® delves into the infinite resources of writing, works and images, and employs the creative techniques of advertising, event management, CRM and digital mobility.
- Simplify, clarify, strengthen, seduce
- Make message smarter
- Make speech more impactful
- Ensure consistency
- Value the difference
- Nurture transparency and authenticity
- Qualify and quantify impact and attractiveness
- Editorial strategy
- Chief Editor
- Speech writing
- (Re)Wording
- Argumentation
- Naming
- Scriptwriting and Storytelling
- Brand content management
Executive Coaching
Because a career is never a straight line and because tomorrow will be different to today,
Frank ETIENNE assists Business Leaders and Managers in their career development.
CleverCo® draws on techniques used in Transactional Analysis, NLP, business systemics and the Process Communication Model.
- Take a step back
- Challenge existing habits
- Develop agility
- Build self-confidence
- Mobilize resources
- Move a new step forward
- Public speaking training
- Speech / Vision / Strategy consistency
- Embodiment of the managerial stance
- Leadership assertiveness
- Empowerment and federation of teams
- Change management
- Crisis management

At the centre of my approach lie opposing and yet complementary concepts:
colour and black, text and the blank page,
listening and advice, words and silence,
doubt and conviction, strategy and instinct,
creativity and rationality, characters and figures,
questions without answers… and answers that raise further questions.
Certified Executive Coach HEC
Member of AICC
Licensed trainer DIRRECTE
Graduated from EBS Paris, Munich and London
Professor at EBS and at PSB
Contributor to Influencia
President of La Washing (2006>2013)
AACC, Vice-President of the Event Communication Delegation (2006>2013)
Content Consulting & Executive Coaching
M : +33 6 68 28 34 08
Paris | France